Sunday, November 30, 2008

Get a Morning Routine!

When you get busy with the hustle and bustle of motherhood, remind yourself to always do at least one thing a day specifically for YOU.

You can start off my giving yourself the time you deserve in the morning. Go ahead and PAMPER! If this means setting the alarm before the baby wakes up, DO IT. Here is a guideline to follow to help you start off the day right.

1. Indulge in a hot shower
2. Rub your favorite lotion all over your body
3. Put on your outfit you laid out the night before
4. Fix your hair and makeup
5. Make yourself a hot cup of coffee or whatever you prefer
6. Give thanks to God and start your day's activities

You can even make this list better by adding a morning workout, such as to a yoga tape. Also, don't forget that fixing breakfast is good not only for your family, but for you!

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